an international organization with info in 4 languages, 24 hour chat on
line, articles on line, and book lists (with links to buy books at Amazon)
on everything from rape and assult to adult survivors, children and parents.
Their vision includes a 24 hour phone in to professionals “The Yes ICAN
hotline will include TDD equipment for the hearing impaired. Through the
use of AT&T Language Line, YesICAN will have the capability to interpret
for up to 150 different languages.”
search engine for resources world-wide: Use the Search Box to search the
World for lists of agencies closest to you that may provide help around
issues of abuse (domestic violence, family
violence, spousal
abuse, spousal assault, dating violence, battering). Includes an annotated
articles and clips.
Menstuff® Library—lists pertinent books on relationship for men.
Recovery and
Mir Bookstore Presents books on the subject of recovery ranging from
Alcoholism to Codependency.
The AA Intergroup around the world.
Associations, Networks, and Societies
on Spiritual Practices The Council on Spiritual Practices is a collaboration
among spiritual guides, experts in the behavioral and biomedical sciences,
and scholars of religion, dedicated to making direct experience of the
sacred more available to more people. There is evidence that such encounters
can have profound benefits for those who experience them, for their neighbors,
and for the world.
Transpersonal Association A federation composed of national organizations
(not individual members) in Europe.
Association of Spiritual Psychiatry Founded in 1994 to promote the
integration of the spiritual dimension into modern medicine, psychology
and psychiatry.
An approach to human development fostered by Roberto Assagioli (1888-1974)
beginning around 1910 and continuing to the present day. It is both a theory
and practice where the focus is to achieve a synthesis, a coming together,
of the various parts of an individual's personality into a more cohesive
self. That person can then function in a way that is more life-affirming
and authentic. Another major aspect of psychosynthesis is its affirmation
of the spiritual dimension of the person, i.e. the "higher" or "transpersonal"
& Mental Health
Mental Health (Canada) A large site that aspires to be "a free encyclopedia
of mental health information." Includes a page of links to online information
relevant to mental health issues. Maintained by Phillip W. Long, M.D.
World Hunger
By clicking on
this link you are voting for a corporate sponsor of the Hunger Site to
donate / or match donations to provide food to eradicateworld hunger. Your
click through is completely confidential and does not get added to any
mailing lists for spam distribution lists. The staple food funded by The
Hunger Site is paid for by site sponsors and is distributed to those
in need by Mercy Corps and America's Second Harvest (see site for details
on these organizations). Funds are split between these organizations and
go to the aid of hungry people in over 74 countries, including those in
Africa, Asia, Eastern
Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and North America.