Workshops with Dr. Beth Hedva
Beth Hedva, PhD, RMFT, DABPS offers customized programs created specifically for your group.Visual aids, handouts, and group participation are included.
Spiritually Directed Therapy Training Program
Learn guidelines and protocol for helping others tap into their inner spiritual guidance for health and healing. Based on the unique Tsunami Trauma Recovery Training program Dr. Hedva developed at the request of the Indonesian Psychology Association in response to the December 26th, 2004 trauma. (more)
The World of Symbols -- Hands-On Tarot
According to legend, the ancients preserved their widom by encoding their teachings in signs and symbols that describe five paths to awaken the human spirit. Learn methods to read these symbols.Cultivate your inner senses. Walk the 5 Paths of Wisdom. (more)
Betrayal, Trust and Forgiveness
Using the books Betrayal, Trust and Forgiveness and Journey From Betrayal to Trust, this workshop helps participants learn new skills for converting the shock and trauma of personal injury into personal growth and self-trust. Includes lecture, story telling, demonstration, discussion, experiential exercises, role-playing, guided process and innerwork.*
Supporting Positive Change
A unique workshop to support individual or group change and promote positive techniques for dealing with that change. A full day extended workshop can be tailored to deal with specific issues facing a company and staff. It is especially appropriate where significant changes in roles, retirement or job loss may be involved.
Spirituality and Psychology
[An Intuition Development Program]Specialized training to increase our use of intuition and spiritual connection in the therapeutic relationship. The program blends cross cultural, indigenous and ancient approaches to healing with contemporary research, methods and techniques from energy medicine and spiritual health psychology.
The Power of Intuition
[An Intuition Development Program]Customized to meet the needs and skill level of the audience, this hands-on program shows how to access and apply the untapped potential of the unconscious and intuitive mind as a powerful source of guidance, direction and healing.
Using Dreams to Heal Yourself and Others
[An Intuition Development Program]Learn how to use the untapped potential of your unconscious and intuitive mind as a powerful source of guidance, direction and healing. By employing the ancient practice of dream incubation, combined with more contemporary dream-work methods we will explore the universal power of dreams as links to un-tapped inner resources of soul and spirit. .
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Fun & Interesting 'FRINGE' Workshops
*Ask about TWO DAY PROFESSIONAL TRAINING WORKSHOP for Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Pastoral Counselors, Psychiatrists, Nurses, Physicians, Graduate Students, Supervisors, Administrators of support agencies. Using the book Journey From Betrayal to Trust, this workshop will address theory and clinical practice through lecture, story telling, demonstration, discussion, experiential exercises, role-playing, guided process and innerwork.
Call us at (403) 585-5805